The emotional balancing service is designed to provide support and guidance similar to a counseling session. During this session, you have the opportunity to express your feelings and concerns, while your practitioner carefully considers all emotional imbalances that you may be experiencing. Based on your specific emotional needs, a personalized remedy derived from flowers is created to help restore emotional balance. This treatment is carried out over a period of three weeks, allowing time for the remedy to take effect and for you to experience its benefits. At the end of the three-week period, a reevaluation is conducted to assess your current emotional state and determine whether further treatment is required. This service aims to provide you with the necessary tools and support to achieve emotional well-being.
This service includes:
Discussion of emotions, feelings and thoughts of your past and present.
3 Week remedy gift
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Disclaimer: I understand that I am here to learn about wellness and better health practices, that I will be offered information about food supplements, lifestyle changes and herbs as a guide to general good health. I fully understand that those who counsel me are traditional naturopaths, and I am not here for medical diagnostic purposes or treatment procedures. I am not on this visit, or any subsequent visit, an agent for federal, state, or local agencies or on a mission of entrapment or investigation. The services performed here are at all times restricted to consultation on holistic health matters intended for the maintenance of the best possible state of natural health, and do not involve the diagnosing, treatment or prescribing of remedies for disease.
©Natural Health Path