Reflexology is a therapeutic practice rooted in traditional Chinese medicine that believes certain regions on the hands, feet, and ears are connected to specific parts of the body through the nervous system. By applying pressure to these areas, the body's equilibrium is restored, as it stimulates the flow of energy along the nerve channels. This can be achieved by rubbing the thumb, hand, and fingers, either alone or with the use of oils.

This service includes:
  • Thumb, hand, and finger rubbing procedures alone or in combination with oils

  • 45 minute therapy

Benefits may include:
  • Relaxation

  • Improves nerve function.

  • Improves brain power.

  • Increases blood circulation.

  • Eliminates your body toxins.

  • Boosts metabolism and energy level

  • Reduces headaches.

  • Relieves discomfort from menstruation.

  • Reduces pain.

  • Lifts mood

  • Improves general wellbeing.

  • amongst others

persons hand on persons lap
persons hand on persons lap

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