Reflexology is a therapeutic practice rooted in traditional Chinese medicine that believes certain regions on the hands, feet, and ears are connected to specific parts of the body through the nervous system. By applying pressure to these areas, the body's equilibrium is restored, as it stimulates the flow of energy along the nerve channels. This can be achieved by rubbing the thumb, hand, and fingers, either alone or with the use of oils.
This service includes:
Thumb, hand, and finger rubbing procedures alone or in combination with oils
45 minute therapy
Benefits may include:
Improves nerve function.
Improves brain power.
Increases blood circulation.
Eliminates your body toxins.
Boosts metabolism and energy level
Reduces headaches.
Relieves discomfort from menstruation.
Reduces pain.
Lifts mood
Improves general wellbeing.
amongst others
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Disclaimer: I understand that I am here to learn about wellness and better health practices, that I will be offered information about food supplements, lifestyle changes and herbs as a guide to general good health. I fully understand that those who counsel me are traditional naturopaths, and I am not here for medical diagnostic purposes or treatment procedures. I am not on this visit, or any subsequent visit, an agent for federal, state, or local agencies or on a mission of entrapment or investigation. The services performed here are at all times restricted to consultation on holistic health matters intended for the maintenance of the best possible state of natural health, and do not involve the diagnosing, treatment or prescribing of remedies for disease.
©Natural Health Path